Having rounded buttocks is a thing that many women wish for. Today's beauty standards are defined. High and well-rounded buttocks as well as a slim waistline are among the most important characteristics.
At the same time, flat and sagging buttocks can disgrace the figure and make it less feminine.
Sometimes, weight training and sports are not enough to shape the buttocks, especially if they are extremely flat and a genetic problem exists.
Additionally, flat buttocks can be the result of rapid weight loss, characterized by sagging skin, or aging.
Regardless of the reason, buttock augmentation with implants is a quick and effective solution. In fact, it represents a very growing demand since having Brazilian-style buttocks is a real fashion phenomenon.
As far as buttock augmentation in Tunisia , it guarantees results that meet your expectations and at the same time the most reasonable prices.
The principle of buttock augmentation :
It is buttocks cosmetic surgery with the objective of increasing the volume of the latter by inserting silicone implants. The introduction of prothèses mammaires (lien interne augmentation mammaire), ces dernières sont en silicone et possèdent plusieurs formes, s’adaptant aux attentes de chacun.
Following the increase in the volume of the buttocks, they will be more rounded and better projected.

Buttocks augmentation Tunisia : learn more
Buttock augmentation in Tunisia is in line with worldwide cosmetic surgery tendencies and ensures that you get a sexier and rounder buttock.
Tunisian surgeons are using the latest generation of buttock implants. Thus, you will have the choice between :
- Different shapes: curved, oval, round etc..
- Different sizes.
This will guarantee that you get the expected result while being looked after by real specialists in cosmetic surgery of the silhouette.
Who represents a suitable candidate for buttock implants?
For the most part, a good patient for buttock implants is someone who is in good health and has realistic expectations.
It means that the candidate doesn't have enough body mass index of less than 23. Some Brazilian butt lift patients may not have enough fat for another implant session.
Patients in this situation may consider buttock implants as an option that can provide the volume they desire.
The process of a buttock augmentation
After having identified your desires and examined the shape and size of your buttocks, your surgeon will guide you toward the type of buttock implant that suits your needs best.
Buttock augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts an average of two hours.
After anesthesia,
- Making incisions: vertical, in the gluteal fold.
- Introduction of the prostheses in the gluteus maximus muscle.
- Optimal fixation of the implants.
- Suction of the fat from the hips or the lower back, if necessary.
- Stitches are placed.
Please keep in mind that the scars will be invisible since the incisions will be hidden in the buttock crease.

Postoperative care : after buttock augmentation
You will feel some pain ranging from minimal to moderate. These will calm down after taking painkillers. The swelling and bruising that will appear will subside in almost a month.
Please avoid sitting for 4 to 7 days and prefer to lie on your side or on your stomach. The same goes for falling asleep on your back. Gentle walking is also acceptable.
The recommended rest period is seven days, following which it is possible to resume daily activities. For physical activities, on the other hand, you must have patience for at least 5 weeks.
Possible complications
Buttock augmentation is very much like breast augmentation. Consequently, complications are uncommon, as they are with this type of cosmetic surgery. They can be essential: hematoma, infection, and more rarely rejection of the implant.
Your surgeon will be able to accurately discuss the possible risks related to this plastic surgery.
The results of buttock augmentation in Tunisia
The results of buttock augmentation are immediately visible. The new shape of the buttocks will be instantly recognizable. However, to be entirely delighted with the outcome, it is necessary to wait between 4 and 6 weeks. This is the time needed for the swelling to subside.
Your buttocks will be plump, firm, and very shapely.
It is important to note that the lifespan of buttock implants is on average 15 years.
Price buttocks augmentation Tunisia with Medlart
If you wish to benefit from such a cosmetic procedure and you want to have rounded and sexy buttocks, do not worry about high prices anymore.
Medlart ensures a buttocks augmentation surgery Tunisia that fits your budget perfectly. In addition, we provide premium and personalized services that will certainly meet your expectations and transform your wishes into reality.
Please feel free to get in touch with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ask for all the information you need about your all-inclusive medical stay.