Facelift Tunisia to rejuvenate the face and neck
Over the years, the signs of aging appear, above all, on the neck and face. Thus, it is not surprising that the face appears duller and sadder.
As wrinkles appear and the skin sags, the cheeks droop, and the neck wrinkles. In addition, lines, such as bitter wrinkles or lion's wrinkles appear.
Generally speaking, as we age, our face changes and it is not always appealing.
To overcome this problem, a facelift Tunisia is definitely the solution you have been looking for! In fact, choosing Medlart means that you will get the outcome you are seeking without spending a fortune!

Facial lifting: basic insights
Pour commencer, notons que le terme lifting englobe toutes les chirurgies esthétiques visant à lutter contre l’affaissement des muscles et de la peau, dû au vieillissement. En ce sens, le lifting du visage (dit aussi le lifting cervico-facial) s’adresse à l’ensemble du visage et du cou et a pour objectif de traiter le relâchement cutané et musculaire, essentiellement au niveau :
- Forehead and eye contours
- Cheeks
- Jowls
- Mouth contour
- The neck
Several types of facelifts exist, ranging from full facelifts to miniature facelifts. Of course, the choice of procedure depends on the patient's expectations and the specific area that needs to be lifted.
In all cases, by turning to a highly qualified surgeon, you will certainly receive the required expertise and advice.
Opt for a Rhytidectomy Tunisia
Having a facelift in Tunisia entails numerous benefits. First and foremost, this country has the best specialists in cosmetic surgery of the face These specialists not only carry out all the different types of facelifts, but they also use the most innovative methods. Second, the rates offered are relatively way more affordable than those in Western countries. Lastly, by visiting Tunisia, you are able to receive excellent medical assistance while spending a delightful holiday.
Cervico-facial lift price Tunisia with Medlart :
By inviting you to an all-inclusive procedure package, Medlart ensures that the facelift price in Tunisia is always unbeatable! Thanks to our reasonable prices, you can decide, with the guidance of your surgeon, the type of facelift that meets your expectations, without worrying about the cost of the procedure.
Face lift: the procedure
A facelift can be performed either under local anesthesia with the administration of intravenous analgesics or under general anesthesia But typically, for the sake of comfort, the second option is more suitable. According to the type of facelift chosen, the procedure can take between one and three hours. This duration also depends on the corrections made.
The principle of a cervico-facial lift:
The overall idea behind the facelift is to tighten and firm the skin along with the sagging muscles. To do this, the practitioner adopts different methods based on the extent of the sagging. Also, he can during liposuction remove a certain amount of fat from certain areas of the face to improve the appearance of the face.
After anesthesia,
- Making discreet incisions around the ear.
- Removal of the sagging skin.
- Repairing of sagging skin and muscles: tightening the skin and muscles.
- Localized liposuction (if the situation requires it)
- Draping of the skin.
- Realization of stitches and dressing.
It is to be noted that no scars will be noticeable and that the incisions are hidden in the hair, very discreetly.
The postoperative phase of a face lift
The bandage is usually removed the following day, upon leaving the clinic. Post-operative care will include daily disinfection.
Slight edema and bruises are to be expected. These will vanish 15 days after the facelift.
As for pain, it will be moderate and accompanied by some tension behind the ears. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers that will be sufficient to calm them. You will regain full sensitivity of your face a few weeks after the surgery.
In addition, your surgeon will recommend that you rest for a few days before resuming your activities.
Possible complications
Complications are rare in the facelift procedure and the outcome is usually very promising. However, the rare risks that your surgeon will be required to list for you are infection and hematoma.
Lifting visage Tunisie : quel résultat ?
You will look at least 10 years younger, no matter which type of facelift Tunisia you choose! By trusting the Medlart team and our expert surgeons, you will be more than delighted with the results, which you will be able to fully appreciate after 3 to 6 months.